Sales Forecast

How to Build Work From Home Remote Sales Teams

Anyone ever told you, you can’t close big deals unless you meet with clients face to face?

Well that’s a lie. Not only can you win big, you can win more often.  

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The Covid Opportunity

While a global pandemic is a terrible thing there are also some great positive possibilities.

I have helped business build very successful remote sales systems for more than 2 decades.  While the world has rapidly changed for many people, those who had already embraced remote selling didn’t skip a beat.

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Delusional Forecasting

  As we begin the new year how does your opportunity pipeline look? Too many business owners build their annual forecasts based on myth. They set goals that are unrealistic and often bae them on fiction. The fiction they use is the bad data in their CRM.  Some times they are not even using a CRM. They just have a list of suspects that they believe are prospects.

  How do you know if your forecast is real? You have to first understand your data. The problem however is too many leaders do things to sabotage themselves.  The require the entry of false data into the CRM, so they end up with false reports. Then they act surprised when things do work out as planned.

  There are ways to understand if your data is real.  Unfortunately, too many leaders are not willing to do the things necessary to really gain true understanding. They would prefer to believe in the hype.  They hope for the best.  All successful business people know, hope is not a strategy.

  So how can you know for sure if your forecast for this year is accurate?  You could work with someone who has a decade of experience developing 100% accurate revenue forecasts up to 2 years out.

  But you would have to be willing to take a deep hard look at your business.  If you want to be like the ostrich and just stick your head in the sand, go ahead. But while you are ignoring the danger signs your competitors will be busy taking your customers, and winning the competitive bids that you thought you had in the bag.

  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing a factual pipeline review.

   So, what are waiting for?

  Its January 3rd now is the time to schedule an opportunity assessment and start the year armed with the knowledge of exactly where you will end 2019.

  Or you could just keep guessing, and see how that works out for you.  Do you think that’s what your competitors are doing?

Contact us and find out what your real 2019 forecast is today.

5 clues you should be aware of to verify if your software vendor can really deliver, or is just blowing smoke.


1- If they ask you to pay in order to see if the software will do what you want. That is a sure sign you may become the victim of a smoke and mirrors act.

2- If it takes more than a week to set up a demo that can prove they have the capabilities you need. You might be in for a very expensive solution that after your investment fails to live up to the hype.

3- If the vendor tells you that the value is in the service they offer, and their primary answer to your questions is “We can support that but they can’t show you”. You may be in for some big trouble if you buy.

4- If they can show you exactly what you want to see, and they can do so in a reasonable amount of time, that is a company that you want to work with.

5- If they can provide you with references without having you sign a letter of intent first, that shows they have enough satisfied customers that they have nothing to hide.

7 General Orders of Sales Leadership Free for a Limited Time.

Right now you can get a Free copy of the 7 General Orders of Sales Leadership. With only 3 months left in the year make sure you have the right tools to finish 2018 strong.  Just complete the short questionnaire below.  The offer ends October 15th so don’t delay.  The free book is only available to the first 15 responses.



If you miss the deadline you can still get a Free copy. Just schedule a no obligation initial business assessment. Complete the business owner survey here or call 703-226-6200 to schedule.

Why Work with OSY Services LLC?

Business owners want to focus on doing what they do best. Building products and delivering services. Business process management (BPM) is normally not their main priority.  BPM affects every aspect of their business.  From operations, customer service, customer engagement, sales, even billing, and collections.

As a business owner you want the best returns for your investments in as short a time frame as possible. How can you increase productivity, efficiency and profitability while growing your business?

One way is working with OSY Services LLC.

Lowering operations cost, improving sales cycles, streamlining delivery, and helping you provide a delightful customer experience are just a few of the results you can expect.

With a customized plan specific to your business, you can get better financial results, and your staff will be more effective in every way.

The only way to know if you can quickly gain higher revenue through improved processes is to request your business process assessment today.


How to prove your solution is the right solution.

Ensure you have properly defined what problems your solution solves.

Ensure you understand the problems your prospects have.

Ensure your solutions align with your prospects problems.

Present evidence that eliminates any doubt about your solution.


If you are not sure how do develop a process that will allow you to provide the proof needed to win 99% of the time then a process improvement professional can help.

Customer Success Management

Customer Success Management seems to be the new buzz word in just about every industry. Businesses are trying to figure out how they can maximize revenue from their existing customers.  One of the challenges they are having is trying to force old ways of thinking on to their customers while using new words to make it appear fresh and new.

This can have the direct opposite effect.  The truth is entirely new processes need to be implemented.  Implementing new processes is a full-time job and requires someone who is not invested in the status quo.  Working with an independent consultant may be the best way to effectively enact meaningful change.  In order for customer success management to be profitable your business must think outside the box. The best way to do that is to work with someone who is not already inside the box you currently have.

Customer Success Management is the future of account growth.  Companies who work with professionals with the vision to see what those within an organization can’t, will be the ones who prosper the most.   Many of the methodologies developed for customer success management can also be used effectively with your customer acquisitions team as well.

Businesses who are seeking greater profitability, and enhanced efficiency in their business operations would benefit greatly from working with a professional. Someone who could help them see the greater possibilities.  With customer success management consulting they can greatly increase their profits.

What do your employees do, and why do they do it?

You may be surprised, but too often executives and business owners cannot answer this question. They often have vague ideas, but not a definitive answer. 

The reason I ask this question is if you as the executive do not know the answer to this question how are your employees going to know?

One reason this question is so hard to answer is as the business has grown employees just do what has to be done. But sometimes it is not the most effective, or efficient thing to do. The business processes grew organically, but without taking the bigger growth plan into account.

Often there is no defined business process, or any formal training provided. This creates an environment where things can get missed.  When things get missed mistakes happen. Mistakes can cost your business a lot of money.   You can minimize, or even completely avoid mistakes when you have well defined business processes, and a properly trained staff.

Building efficient and effective business processes takes time. When you invest the time to ensure your employees fully understand the what, why, and how of their contributions, the business is more profitable.  The next time someone asks you what do your employees do you’ll be able to clearly explaining what each one does, how they do it, and why they do it.

Your business will be better, and more profitable because of your well made investment in efficent business processes.