Business Planing 2019

What is Value?

Too often sales professionals are told by their leaders that they must create value.  However, there is a fundamental problem with this advice.  Value is not what you say it is. Value is what the customer says it is.   If you don’t understand what is of value to the customer you are just doing a lot of talking.

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How to prove your solution is the right solution.

Ensure you have properly defined what problems your solution solves.

Ensure you understand the problems your prospects have.

Ensure your solutions align with your prospects problems.

Present evidence that eliminates any doubt about your solution.


If you are not sure how do develop a process that will allow you to provide the proof needed to win 99% of the time then a process improvement professional can help.

What do your employees do, and why do they do it?

You may be surprised, but too often executives and business owners cannot answer this question. They often have vague ideas, but not a definitive answer. 

The reason I ask this question is if you as the executive do not know the answer to this question how are your employees going to know?

One reason this question is so hard to answer is as the business has grown employees just do what has to be done. But sometimes it is not the most effective, or efficient thing to do. The business processes grew organically, but without taking the bigger growth plan into account.

Often there is no defined business process, or any formal training provided. This creates an environment where things can get missed.  When things get missed mistakes happen. Mistakes can cost your business a lot of money.   You can minimize, or even completely avoid mistakes when you have well defined business processes, and a properly trained staff.

Building efficient and effective business processes takes time. When you invest the time to ensure your employees fully understand the what, why, and how of their contributions, the business is more profitable.  The next time someone asks you what do your employees do you’ll be able to clearly explaining what each one does, how they do it, and why they do it.

Your business will be better, and more profitable because of your well made investment in efficent business processes.

Do you have a sales process or a list of ideas?


A process is a logical progression of steps.  A list of ideas could be developed into a process, but is still just a list.

How do you know when your process is really just a list?

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7 General Orders of Sales Leadership

There is a new book available called No Limit-7 General Orders of Sales Leadership.

The book is available at Amazon

In this book a number of principles are outlined for successfully leading a modern sales force.

There are ideas about modern prospecting, presenting, and even storytelling as an effective sales tool.

There is also information about how to effectively motivate your team for maximum performance.

You can get the book from Amazon for the kindle or in paperback.

Highly recommended.

Why should you talk to me?

One of the biggest challenges companies are facing is how to engage with new prospects.  Before a sales rep even picks up the phone they need to ask themselves this question. Why should this prospect talk to me?  In most cases the answer the rep comes up with, is not something the prospect would even care about.  The reason is the answer is, in most cases all about the rep.  Your prospects don’t care about you. They care about themselves.  You must give them a compelling reason that is all about them in order for them to want to engage with you.

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Your employees are not doing what you want them to. Maybe it’s not them. Maybe it’s you?

In a recent meeting with a client the business owner complained that their employees just were not doing the job they are being told to do.  I asked the owner are they sure they know what they are expected to do?  The owner said yes. I then asked did you properly train them? The owner then paused. Then told me that they expected them to know what to do when they hired them. 

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6 reasons your sales are slower than you would like.

  1. Many sales processes are not actually processes.  This ensures a false sense of reality                 when adding opportunities to the pipeline.

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