Associations are facing a unique crisis in 2019.  How too keep their members engaged and gain new members in a world where member demographics are rapidly changing.

  •  How do you engage people who want physical content? Digital content, some of both or none at all?

  • How to you ensure the content is relevant for each member?

  • How do you manage this great amount of diversity without pulling your hair out, or banging your head against a wall?


The truth is the answer is not simple.  Each organization needs to look at how they engage with their members in their own unique way.

Every organization needs to embrace automation. But how that automation is applied will vary by who they are, and what their members want.

Member communication advisory helps organizations determine how they can still remain relevant. Gain more new members, and increase their revenue so they can keep doing what they do best.

But those organizations that think they can just keep kicking the can down the road are going to soon find out that the road has ended and they will be in serious trouble.

You don’t want to be one of the organizations that just lets time pass them by.

  You want to be proactive, and take the bull by the horns.

 You want to delight your members, and get them charged up, and excited about all of the things you are doing now, and what you will be doing for them in the future.

 But you can only do that if they are fully engaged the way they want to be engaged.


There is a very cost effective way to get you, and your members exactly what you want.

  The first thing to do is to have a conversation about your member communication goals. What you are doing now?  What is working well?  What is not working well? What would you like to be doing better?

Then developing a plan specifically for you that will help you become more engaging to all of your current, and new members.


Complete the form below to schedule a phone conversation or meeting to learn how others are increasing revenue, membership and engagement.