Is Your Organization Engaging?

Everyone is talking about engagement.  Customer engagement member engagement, student engagement.

But what does all of this really mean?

I think Stephen Covey has the best description of what engagement really is.

 “You must first seek to understand before seeking to be understood.”

Engagement is about listening first then providing exactly what the other person wants or needs.

This is not easy.  Too many organizations think they can handle this on their own. Many think if they just invest in enough systems they can be more engaging.  Others see it as a marketing problem. Then there are those who are just ignoring it.

Truly engaging your audience requires a new way of seeing.  The truth is, if you think you are engaging, you may find you are wrong. The people you are supposed to be engaged with may tell you a very different story.  The worse thing is most of those you think are engaged just go with the flow, so you never get the real deal.  The only time you get real engagement is when you do something wrong.

  Engagement requires communication.  Communicating in an engaging manner takes time, and effort. The good news is if you work with someone whose only job is to help you, you’ll find new ways of communication you never thought were possible.

Then you truly will be engaging.