The Covid Opportunity
While a global pandemic is a terrible thing there are also some great positive possibilities.
I have helped business build very successful remote sales systems for more than 2 decades. While the world has rapidly changed for many people those who had already embraced remote selling didn’t skip a beat.
They already had all of the processes and systems in place. While other companies scrambled to adjust, the remote sales businesses thrived.
Successful remote selling is not something that happens overnight. It requires thoughtful planning and preparation. No two companies will implement remote selling the same way. The technology needed may be different for each company. While many of the of core principles are the same not matter who you are. How those principles are applied will be determined by what your companies does, why you do it and who you do it for.
A business with a fully prepared remote sales team can significantly increase their sales productivity, win large sales and win then faster than their competition.
Selling remotely does require some specific training. If you think you can just set up a zoom meeting and successfully give a presentation, you will quickly find out that is not enough. Many businesses implement web meeting sales tools without providing proper training for their teams. There are things they need to be aware of in order to create meaningful customer experiences.
The question you need to ask yourself is how prepared was your team? How can you quickly prepare your team for the new world of selling we are all in and that is not going away any time soon.
The first step might be to talk to someone who has experience build remote sales teams and processes.
If you would like to speak to someone you can contact an advisor here who would be happy to answer your most pressing questions.